Saturday, December 10, 2005

Oueen Parrot Lady's First Rant

This is my first Blog. I decided I need to have one because I have a problem. I spent way to much time on the computer. I sleep with my laptop. I was just in the hospital for two weeks and my laptop was by my side.

But the real problem is that I can’t stop buying things. I am on the horrible medicine called Prednisone. It is a steroid. It makes me wacko. It makes me buy things I would never even think to buy. Things no one would buy.

The credit card company has even noticed. They decided I wasn’t myself so they cut me off.

I think it started with my order to Victoria’s Secret. All this time they thought I was a computer nerd. I am forever buying gadgets. Then one day the nerd decides it is time to get a little sexy and the computer at the credit card company breaks down. No sex for the nerd.

After three times calling the credit card company and verifying that I am the one making these purchases they have put me on the VIP list. Now I don’t know if this is a good thing. Don’t you think the company is enabling me ?

The buying is one thing but then the packages start to come to the door. I know my postman hates me. And the UPS guy will never forgive me. They will both get a good Christmas present from me.

As soon as I buy something I forget what I ordered so it is a surprise when it comes to the door. Of course, there are those times when I say why did I get this. Or I know this must be a mistake.
And all that package material everywhere..Why do they use such large boxes?


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