Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Tiara and the UPS man

Yesterday I was browsing Ebay when I heard a knock on the door. I headed towards the door climbing over the cats and empty boxes. It was my friend the UPS guy. I don't know why he even knocked because I didn't have to sign anything. Anyway he had two boxes from Tassimo which is the coffee maker. ( ) One box was very large and I knew I didn't order anything but coffee. I said to the UPS guy that I had no idea what it was because I didn't order anything. Then I said "I better get off this drugs". Jim, my UPS guy, agreed.

After taking in the boxes I rested. I get exhausted just standing up for a while. An hour later I was scratching my head (no, I do not have lice) and I felt something. It was a tiara. I had bought one for my friend's daughter and I was trying it out. Then I realized that I had it on when I was talking to the UPS guy. I wonder what he thinks. He probably thinks I am really mad as a hatter and should be in a looney bin.

I wonder if I am a funny story my UPS guys tells his buddies. His friends probably ask him if he has a wierdos on his route. Then the UPS guy says "Oh yeah, I have one customer that comes to the door in her pajamas with a tiara on her head".

I don't know if I should say anything the next time I see him or just pretend it didn't happen. I think it better be the latter.


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