Friday, February 03, 2006

Blood Clots

I am waiting for a Cat Scan to be done. It is 11 pm. I drank all the contrast so I am ready. I really think they have ruined all my veins. I have ice packs on them. What a pain!!! I have to try and stay still because they are worried about my blood clots. I keep getting shots of Heprin. It is supposed to be in the stomach but they are afraid to put it there.

I have seen at least 5 surgeons and had a couple of procedures done. One was a fistulagram. I made them put me out. It really hurts. They did one yesterday and it was awful. Now after this second Cat scan they decide whether to operate of not. The head of GI was here tonight and he is bringing another surgeon to see me tomorrow. I like how they work through the weekend.


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